Who Is Hunter Callender From Michigan?

After this lethal attack by pit bulls, the toddler had undergone many surgeries. His mother named Ashley White talked to the media outlet and stated, “It has been a lot. It is surely a rough road here. He has been quite done. He is highly disturbed by the entire event. He does not know what to think and brutally gets scared of everything. I mean, he is just only 5 years old and this is such a horrible event for him.” She informed the media outlet that “His surgery went fine. There has been a lot of surgery on his face. After the surgery on his face, he is supposed to have a feeding tube in and he really pulled it out.

Hunter Callender From Michigan – Health Condition & News

It has been observed that her son named Hunter will require surgeries in order to take out the wires in his jaw and also need to affix his double eye vision. He is presently admitted to the Helen DeVos Children’s hospital and getting treatment there. The doctors there believe that the toddler “will require braces, dentures or implants due to the damage to his not mature adult teeth. Showing his sorrow, Andrew Callender the father of Hunter informed the media outlets that “We are solely still at the starting of his long road.

Hunter Callender From Michigan – Age, Parents & Wikipedia

We are taking it very tough, along with the entire family. We would like individuals to understand the extent of how severe something like this can be and how much our son is going through and will suffer more.” After the incident was reported, the owner of the dogs is also allegedly facing charges. The owner has been pressed with 2 criminal charges of the menacing animal. They will allegedly come up prior to Montcalm County District Court by the next week. Be with us to know more information on this case.


Who Is Hunter Callender From Michigan  5 Years Old Boy Mauled By Pit Bulls  Health Condition Updates  Age   Parents  - 91Who Is Hunter Callender From Michigan  5 Years Old Boy Mauled By Pit Bulls  Health Condition Updates  Age   Parents  - 79Who Is Hunter Callender From Michigan  5 Years Old Boy Mauled By Pit Bulls  Health Condition Updates  Age   Parents  - 12Who Is Hunter Callender From Michigan  5 Years Old Boy Mauled By Pit Bulls  Health Condition Updates  Age   Parents  - 2